Press Release

Immigrant Justice Prevails at the Ballot Box as NYIC Action Endorsed Candidates Triumph in Primary Election

New York, NY—Last night, New Yorkers voted to support immigrant communities by reelecting our slate of immigrant rights legislative champions for the June Primary. 

NYIC Action’s slate of endorsed candidates emerged victorious in their races for the State Senate and State Assembly. With immigration being one of the top concerning issues for both national and local voters, the victory for immigrant justice is clear.

This victory represents a significant milestone in ensuring that immigrant New Yorkers are represented in the halls of power and that policies are ultimately passed that recognize the contributions that immigrants make to our communities and economy. 

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:

“Despite the efforts of MAGA Republicans to push their anti-immigrant agenda and target immigrant communities, New Yorkers rejected the politics of division. These primary election results serve as a reminder that voters elect candidates who lead with inclusive policies that will enable all New Yorkers to thrive. We congratulate NYIC Action’s endorsed candidates and look forward to working with them to advance policies to improve the lives of everyone who calls New York home.”

​​NYIC Action-endorsed candidates who achieved triumph include:

State Senate

  • Kristen Gonzalez, District 59

State Assembly

  • Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, District 34

  • Larinda Hooks, District 35

  • Ron Kim, District 40

  • Emily Gallagher, District 50

  • Eddie Gibbs, District 68

  • Al Taylor, District 71

  • Manny De Los Santos, District 72

  • Sarahana Shrestha, District 103

To view NYIC Action’s full slate of 2024 endorsed candidates, click here


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for New York State Senate and State Assembly. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs. 

Immigrant Advocates to Donald Trump: The Bronx Does Not Stand with You

New York, NY—Today, NYIC Action issued the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s rally in the South Bronx.

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:
“There is no place for Donald Trump’s hatred and racism in a neighborhood as diverse, vibrant and rich with immigrant history as the South Bronx. We abhor that the former president would rally in a community where roughly one in three people is foreign-born, after claiming that immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ and vowing to deport all undocumented immigrants if elected. The former president may have been born in New York, but one glance at his 2016 and 2020 election results in New York State shows that he doesn’t represent New Yorkers. Trump should focus on staying out of jail and leave New Yorkers out of his campaign grounded in white supremacy and nativism.” 

Immigrant Advocates Slam Trump for Spreading Misinformation on Noncitizen Voting

New York, NY—Today, House Speaker Mike Johnson and Donald Trump held a joint press conference to promote legislation aimed at “elevating the issue of non-citizens voting in federal elections.” House Republicans plan to introduce a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. The bill mandates states to remove noncitizens from existing voter rolls. However, in the United States, federal law already bans noncitizens from voting in federal elections, and instances of noncitizen voting are extremely rare. Across the country, states are required to conduct list maintenance to eliminate ineligible voters from registration lists. Investigations led by Democratic and Republican officials have found almost no instances of noncitizen voting. 

This proposed bill represents MAGA Republicans’ continuous attempts to amplify their anti-immigrant agenda, fearmonger immigrant communities, and delegitimize the country’s democratic process in order to advance their own political interests. 

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:

“Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to spread lies about noncitizen voting in federal elections, using scare tactics to advance their anti-immigrant agenda and secure votes. Spreading these lies undermines the integrity of our democratic process, and puts a target on immigrant communities by perpetuating a culture of fear and division. The facts demonstrate that noncitizen voting is a fabricated issue that lacks any evidence to validate its existence.  The GOP’s exploitation of this falsehood further reveals their disregard for the truth and their motive to create confusion, spread misinformation, and scapegoat immigrants for their own election losses.”

NYIC Action Endorses Immigrant Champions for NYS Legislature, As Immigration Emerges As Top Voter Issue

New York, NY—Today, NYIC Action, the 501(c)4 sister organization of the New York Immigration Coalition, announced its first round of endorsements for the New York State Senate and State Assembly. 

This round of endorsements encompasses elected leaders from across the state who have all demonstrated their commitment to immigrant rights. They represent diverse communities, helping to ensure inclusive representation for all New Yorkers. These endorsements come at a pivotal moment in a critical election year, as immigration has emerged as the top issue for voters while New York Democrats strive to maintain control of both the State Senate and State Assembly.

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:

“As immigration takes center stage, it is crucial that we elect pro-immigrant candidates who have proven their dedication to pushing forward the rights of all New Yorkers. We are proud to endorse this slate of candidates for re-election in the State Legislature, who have consistently stood with immigrant New Yorkers amidst rising anti-immigrant politics fueled by MAGA Republicans. These legislators are experienced leaders who have championed immigrant New Yorkers within the halls of Albany, advocating for representation and equal rights for all. We need a strong legislative body that will pass laws that center the voices of our immigrant neighbors so that all New Yorkers can thrive in our great state.”

NYIC Action's State Legislature endorsed candidates are:

State Senate

  • Andrea Stewart-Cousins - District 35 

  • Michael Gianaris - District 12

  • Andrew Gounardes - District 26

  • Brad Hoylman - District 47

  • Brian Kavanagh - District 27 

  • Gustavo Rivera - District 33

  • Jabari Brisport - District 25 

  • Jessica Ramos - District 13 

  • John Liu - District 16 

  • Jose M. Serrano - District 29

  • Julia Salazar - District 18

  • Kristen Gonzalez - District 59

  • Luis Sepulveda - District 32

  • Nathalia Fernandez - District 34

  • Pete Harckham - District 40

  • Robert Jackson - District 31

  • Samra Brouk - District 55

  • Shelley Mayer - District 37

  • Zellnor Myrie - District 20 

State Assembly

  • Carl Heastie - District 83

  • Al Taylor - District 71

  • Alex Bores - District 73

  • Andrew Hevesi - District 28

  • Anna Kelles - District 125

  • Catalina Cruz - District 39

  • Chris Burdick - District 93

  • Dana Levenberg - District 95

  • Eddie Gibbs - District 68

  • Emily Gallagher - District 50 

  • George Alvarez - District 78

  • Grace Lee - District 65

  • Harvey Epstein - District 74

  • Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas - District 34

  • John Zaccaro - District 80

  • Jonathan Rivera - District 149

  • Karines Reyes - District 87

  • Kenny Burgos - District 85

  • Khaleel Anderson - District 31

  • Latrice Walker - District 55

  • Manny De Los Santos - District 72

  • Marcela Mitaynes - District 51

  • Michelle Solages - District 22

  • Phara Souffrant Forrest - District 57

  • Rebecca Seawright - District 76

  • Robert Carroll - District 44

  • Ron Kim - District 40

  • Sarah Clark - District 136

  • Sarahana Shrestha - District 103

  • Steven Otis - District 91

  • Steven Raga - District 30 

  • Tony Simone - District 75

  • Yudelka Tapia - District 86

  • Zohran Mamdani - District 36

"I am immensely proud to be endorsed by NYIC Action and ready to continue building a New York that serves the many, not the few. As a proud daughter of an immigrant family, Queens native, and community organizer, I believe that everyone has a right to a dignified life and shouldn't have to struggle for it. That's why I believe in continuing to be a staunch advocate for immigrants in Albany, including by fighting for the New York Health Act and Coverage for All, to ensure that low-income immigrants have equal access to healthcare programs and services,” said State Senator Kristen Gonzalez (D59).

“I’m so proud to be endorsed by NYIC Action. As the daughter of an immigrant and the representative of vibrant and diverse immigrant communities, I’m committed to advancing economic and social justice for all New Yorkers. I’m honored to be the prime sponsor of Coverage for All and to work with NYIC on its passage because healthcare is a human right,” said Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas (D34). 

“NYIC Action has long led the fight to ensure that our state’s vast patchwork for immigrant communities has a seat at the table. Thank you for NYIC Action for your support and for never relenting in the pursuit of a more just and welcoming New York,” said State Senator John Liu (D16). 

"I am so honored to receive the endorsement of NYIC Action, who do the vital work of fighting to protect New York's immigrant communities every day. As a daughter of Haitian immigrants and the chair of the Assembly's New Americans Task Force, it's essential that I'm using my office to organize in tandem with immigrant communities in my district. It is my duty as a legislator to serve all New Yorkers and ensure across-the-board access to vital public resources. I'm excited to organize with NYIC Action over this next term to pass the Access to Representation Act and ensure all of my constituents have the right to counsel. Together, we can continue our fight to balance the scales of justice in New York,” said Assembly Member Phara Souffrant Forrest (D57).

"As the representative of New York's 31st Assembly district, I am deeply grateful for the endorsement of NYIC Action. Their support energizes me to continue championing the rights and opportunities of all immigrants in our diverse community,” said Assemblymember Khaleel Anderson (D31).


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for New York State Senate and State Assembly. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs. 

Immigrant Advocates Applaud Congress’ Vote to Remove MAGA Republican George Santos from Congress

New York, NY—Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted and expelled Republican Congressman George Santos from Congress following an ethics committee report that revealed he used his campaign funds to pay for personal expenses. Representative Santos is now the sixth lawmaker in U.S. history expelled from Congress. 

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, said:

“George Santos was tasked with representing New Yorkers in Congress and he served nobody but himself for an entire year, as evidenced by the ethics committee report. As the country prepares for next year’s crucial election, it serves as a reminder of how important it is for the American people to be represented by elected officials who can take their duty to serve the people in their district with honesty and integrity seriously. Instead of prioritizing extreme, anti-immigrant policies designed simply to forward a racist and xenophobic agenda, Republicans should focus on governing their colleagues and ensure they are rightfully serving the people who elected them into office.”

Voters Stand Up for Immigrant Communities and Elect NYIC Action Endorsed Candidates

New York, NY— Last night, New Yorkers reaffirmed their support for immigrant communities at the ballot box by reelecting our slate of immigrant rights champions, who believe in a New York that works for everyone regardless of legal status. 

NYIC Action’s slate of endorsed candidates for New York’s general election emerged victorious. Next year, immigration will be at the forefront of electoral issues, and it is crucial we have champions across all levels of government fighting for legislation that supports immigrant communities and all New Yorkers.

All endorsed candidates have committed to NYIC Action’s Policy Pledge, 2023: A Blueprint for New York State. This political agenda ensures that our vision of an inclusive New York is integrated into their policy platform.

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, said:

“New York voters have once again emphasized the importance of upholding our legacy as a welcoming city to all when they cast their ballots. The results from last night’s election serve as a reminder that visionary and bold leaders who will not shy away from championing legislation aimed at strengthening protections for immigrants and vulnerable New Yorkers can win at the polls. Once again, we congratulate our endorsed candidates on their reelection and look forward to working with them to ensure that the voices of immigrant New Yorkers are heard.”

NYIC Action-endorsed candidates who won their races include:

Erie County Legislature

  • Howard Johnson, District 1

  • April Baskin, District 2

NYC Council

  • Justin Brannan, District 47

  • Linda Lee, District 23

  • Christopher Marte, District 1

  • Carlina Rivera, District 2

  • Erik Bottcher, District 3

  • Julie Menin, District 5

  • Gale Brewer, District 6

  • Shaun Abreu, District 7

  • Diana Ayala, District 8

  • Carmen De La Rosa, District 10

  • Pierina Sanchez, District 14

  • Althea Stevens, District 16

  • Amanda Farias, District 18

  • Francisco Moya, District 21

  • Tiffany Caban, District 22

  • Shekar Krishnan, District 25

  • Nantasha Williams, District 27

  • Adrienne Adams, District 28

  • Lynn Schulman, District 29

  • Jennifer Gutierrez, District 34

  • Crystal Hudson, District 35

  • Chi Osse, District 36

  • Sandy Nurse, District 37

  • Alexa Aviles, District 38

  • Shahana Hanif, District 39

  • Rita Joseph, District 40


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for New York City Council and Erie County Legislature. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs.

Immigrant Advocates Denounce GOP Election of House Speaker Johnson

New York, NY— Today, the U.S. House of Representatives elected Representative Mike Johnson as the 56th House Speaker after Republicans struggled to agree on Kevin McCarthy’s replacement.   

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, said:

“Today’s Speaker of the House of Representatives election proves once and for all that the GOP is fully in the hands of MAGA Republicans who are committed to pushing their anti-immigrant and anti-democratic agenda with Rep. Mike Johnson as the next House Speaker. Instead of prioritizing the safety of asylum seekers and the country’s democratic values, Rep. Johnson continues to advance racist and dangerous false narratives like the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy theory to rile up his party’s base and demonize Democrats. This is proof that Johnson’s GOP will do anything to maintain power, even if that means endangering the lives of immigrant communities. The American people deserve better, which is why we will continue to fight for an America that values each and every one of its residents and their contributions.” 

NYIC Action Applauds Court’s Decision to Redraw NY’s Congressional Districts

New York, NY - Today, the Appellate Division of New York State’s Supreme Court ordered the Independent Redistricting Commission to redraw New York’s Congressional district maps. Last year, New York went through several rounds of redistricting for the State Assembly, State Senate, and U.S. Congress. Barring any further court challenges, the NYS Legislature, which is controlled by Democrats, will have final say over any redrawn maps.

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director, NYIC Action:

“Last year, New York’s Independent Redistricting Commission failed in its mission of creating fair and bi-partisan congressional maps. As a result, immigrants and communities of color were faced with the detrimental consequences of new Congressional maps creating majority districts for politicians who did not reflect their values winning seats in Congress. In fact, the Commission’s actions led to a slew of xenophobic candidates winning races in their newly drawn districts. Today’s decision is an important step towards ensuring the protection of the rights and needs of all New Yorkers, including immigrant voters, by offering another opportunity to ensure that redrawn maps prioritize the preservation of communities of interest. We are pleased to see the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court’s efforts to revert and create a more fair map that is representative of New York.”

NYIC Action’s Immigrant Rights Champions Emerge Victorious in Primary Election

New York, NY— With the majority of the races called in the June primary elections, it is clear that New Yorkers showed up for immigrant communities at the ballot box.  

Last night, NYIC Action’s – the New York Immigration Coalition’s sister 501 (c)4 organization -- slate of endorsed candidates for NYC Council cruised to victory. They can now continue their work as champions for immigrant New Yorkers in their respective legislative bodies. 

All endorsed candidates have committed to NYIC Action’s Policy Pledge, 2023: A Blueprint for New York State. This inclusive political agenda ensures our vision integrates into their policy platform.  

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, said:

“Once again, New Yorkers affirmed the significance of our ongoing pursuit for a more equitable and inclusive state at the ballot box. At a time when New York State’s legislative session fell far short in serving our communities and county officials have tried to vilify newly arrived asylum seekers, the significance of having champions who are committed to immigrant rights and the well-being of every New Yorker at all levels of government has become increasingly vital. The results speak to the increasing political power of immigrant New Yorkers. We congratulate our endorsed candidates and eagerly anticipate collaborating with elected officials from across the state who will persistently drive forward transformative legislation, improving the lives of everyone who calls New York home.”

NYIC Action-endorsed candidates who achieved triumph include:

NYC Council

  • Christopher Marte, District 1

  • Carlina Rivera, District 2

  • Carmen De La Rosa, District 10

  • Marjorie Velazquez, District 13

  • Pierina Sanchez, District 14

  • Tiffany Caban, District 22

  • Linda Lee, District 23

  • Shekar Krishnan, District 25

  • Lynn Schulman, District 29

  • Jennifer Gutiérrez, District 34

To view NYIC Action’s full slate of 2023 endorsed candidates, click here


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for New York City Council and Erie County Legislature. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs. 


NYIC Action Endorses Immigrant Rights Champions for Erie County Legislature

New York, NY—NYIC Action, the New York Immigration Coalition's sister 501 (c)4 organization, announced its slate of endorsements for the Erie County Legislature.

NYIC Action is endorsing two candidates, Legislators Howard Johnson (District 1) and April Baskin (District 2), who have demonstrated their commitment to building long-lasting power across immigrant communities in New York. These candidates fought alongside us to advocate for the implementation of language accessibility across all departments of Erie County in 2023, and have shown up as champions for our immigrant communities in Buffalo.

All endorsed candidates have committed to NYIC Action’s Policy Pledge, 2023: A Blueprint for New York State. They vowed to champion our vision and incorporate it into their policy platform. 

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, said:

“Across New York, we are seeing those who want to uphold our states’ tradition of welcoming newcomers with open arms and those who seek to sow division in our communities by closing their doors to those in need with hateful rhetoric. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we elect pro-immigrant candidates into office at all levels of government in New York State, especially at the county level where policy can have such a direct effect on our immigrant neighbors’ lives. We are pleased to endorse Howard Johnson and April Baskin for Erie County Legislature, two incumbents who have already proven their commitment to supporting immigrant New Yorkers by advocating for inclusion and championing language accessibility to ensure that all Erie County residents can access the government services they need without language barriers. We are certain they will continue to fight alongside us in future campaigns to build a more just  county and state.” 

NYIC Action's Erie County endorsed candidates are:

  • Howard Johnson - District 1

  • April Baskin - District 2

“I am deeply appreciative of NYIC ACTION's endorsement. Buffalo has experienced population growth for the first time in over 70 years and the primary reason for the increase is our growing immigrant community. As our population has grown, so have the demands for inclusivity and access in local government for our newest Buffaloinans. I have introduced a Language Access Plan for Erie County to bring our vital County services into the languages of our immigrant community. This will not only provide better service, but hopefully build trust with some of our most vulnerable residents. I am grateful to NYIC ACTION for their support of immigrants in Erie County and across New York State,” said Legislator April Baskin (D2). 


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for Erie County Legislature. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs. 
